Monroe Lipsey
Founder of “ElevatedSols“
Recently, Dr. Davis sat down with Monroe Lipsey Founder of “ElevatedSols” for an interview to ask Monroe a few questions about: “ElevatedSols”.
Q: .What inspired the creation of ElevatedSols?
A: The inspiration for ElevatedSols came from my passion in wanting to help others make good life decisions regarding their financial stability and break down walls that were created due to lack of knowing how to obtain information.
Q: What is it about ElevatedSols that interests you?
A: The thing about ElevatedSols that interested me the most is the ability to create a spider web of business connections. By helping professional athletes manage their business and day-to-day affairs, it gives me the opportunity to meet so many people in different industries that I can leverage for the personal growth of both myself and others.
Q: How can the local community and surrounding areas benefit from your services?
A: My primary client base is high net worth professional athletes. However, the local community can benefit from our free financial education series we are building that will describe understanding finances from the lens of an athlete.
Q: What are your goals and strategies for promoting your business’s growth?
A: The strategy is simple, networking. In order to make a name for yourself where the barrier to entry is high, its all about who you know. Getting in front of people that have direct connection to our client base and proving the value add of our services through free or reduced price offering. Social media is also major and creating a presence interesting and consistent enough to catch attention.
Q: What are some of the challenges you’ve faced?
A: The biggest challenge that I’ve faced is trying to acquire clients. ElevatedSols offers a luxury service to luxury clients that are built on trust. That makes it harder to get into rooms with the right client base, harder to establish connections, and harder to secure a contract.
Q: What is your vision for the company?
A: My vision for ElevatedSols is to drive a lifestyle change for Professional athletes and to grow large enough to be an arm of an existing sports agency so that I can impact and influence athletes with the loudest reach.
Q: What is your strategy for selecting the right team members?
A: I selected by business partners by collaborating with people I felt wanted to achieve similar success and could provide immediate value to the growth of the company.
Q: Did you have a mentor to encourage your entrepreneurial spirit?
A: For this particular business, there was no mentor encouraging entrepreneurial spirit. Having a MBA and multiple certifications but still being treated as an average black man in corporate America has pushed me into entrepreneurship.
Q: What’s the most rewarding aspect of running your own business?
A: The most rewarding aspect is being the leader and face of my business. It allows me to help my partners grow while receiving an unprecedented level of support from them in order to help the business grow.
Q: List another topic that you would like to briefly discuss during the interview:
A: Financial literacy is so important even when you make millions of dollars a year. It’s a topic that should never stop being discussed. In addition I am working on another pretty unique business venture involving alcohol.
Visit “ElevatedSols” Online to Learn More About Monroe Lipsey
All Services Provided by “ElevatedSols” and More Information About Monroe Lipsey Is Available By Clicking The Link Below
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